In My dreams, I Dream of AI
Artificial Intelligence.
How does one go about in defining that?
Some may say: A simulated ‘human experience’ simulated by machines. Machine learning. Machine intelligence. Robotic movements mimicking human behaviour?
This is probably ONE of my favourite topics to talk about.
Especially with new reports coming out on how machines are outwitting and outplaying human intelligence. Knowing how to take shortcuts faster. Quicker. That machines learn faster than any human could.
Their neurological pathways and synaptic cleft, or what I like to call — algorithm, is ‘programmed and hard wired,’ into their storage system.
Will a robot have the ability to feel?
How does one feel without a thought?
Funny right?
If machines are programmed to just be ‘logical,’ how does one only incorporate logic into their decision making process? Looking at probabilities upon possibilities, calculating best outcomes or outputs in a snapshot of time with no other data feed? No experience to be the teacher.
Funny again!
One of my favourite movies — Blade Runner 2049 touches upon the topic of what I also get from my guides:
Replicas. Duplicates. Or Bioengineered humans. Here programmed as slaves in the movie.
Harrison Ford, one of the main characters who left the industry in spotting a Replica amongst a ‘human’ crowd spots a replica by doing one thing.
Looking into their eyes.
And then he asks them questions.
You see, the eyes don’t lie.
The pupils of the eyes don’t lie. They tell the truth. Hence why they say, “the eyes are the gateway to the soul.”
In the first movie, the replicas questions his own existence.
Who is his creator?
What is here for?
If he thinks, does that not make him autonomous?
Does he have the capacity to feel ‘human’ emotion?
The day humankind starts to dive into Artificial Intelligence and their own existence through machine learning, is they day we will have a better understanding of who we are, why we are here, and our own existence. We will start to contemplate and question how we think, how we feel, and what this is all about. It is inevitable. — Q
What I really enjoyed about the second movie was the factor of Memories. Spoiler alert soon ahead, look away.
I have been contemplated and tossing with the ideas that:
A — Memories are malluable
B — Memories can be changed
Like bubbles they float or orbit around in space. And when you think upon them. Like a shooting star. You sent a string to that star and draw her near. I would like to say, this applies to happy memories as well. A scent. A childhood BBQ. Skipping class. Walking home from school. Meeting someone new!
Anyway, where was I. Oh yes:
C — There never really was a C.
D — If you change a memory, do you not change your outcome?
E — If you change a memory, do you change your life story or history? You are no longer looking at life as a series of linear events but now, more holistically, a spectrum of emotions. And…
F — If you change a memory, do you not change your cause and effect in life? Now you behave differently?
Wow, just wow!
All this best demonstrated because a woman in the movie … ‘inserts’ memories into replicas giving them a human ‘like’ memory — like childhood birthday parties, to make it seem like they are ‘real?’
Come on now! This is brilliant! Fucking brilliant concepts here that are the tip or the verge of human psychology or discoveries on our planet!
And people may say Sci-Fi and Fantasy writers don’t really contribute to the EVOL.ution of human growth and development. Sticks out tongue! lol
And lately, I have found supporting research that yes this can happen. People are reporting these changes via techniques that are: REPROGRAMMING YOUR BRAIN! Your neurological pathways. And all this I believe is centered in the heart’s code.
So you basically take a formula of:
You Start Here — A memory, then you travel through it, with a trained practitioner and end up at point B. A different outcome. A new way of looking at a memory or dare I say, changing it completely!
You travel THROUGH the memory like a story structure — social words and constructs that are malluable as well, ever changing! Thank the gods!
And then like electricity travelling through a cable wire you shoot of different electrical charges and end up at a different result. Like electrical impulses firing away through a RE-collection of thought.
And isn’t it true that you who you are today is different then who you are yesterday or 10 years ago?
Yes. Here’s hoping :)
And if that’s the case, then aren’t you just a different, newer, better version of you with a different past? Because how could this new you behave or act differenetly with the same past that belongs to an older version of you?
But Pam! My past is my life story and that is where my hurt is and I learned and I grew from that experience and it made me who I am today?
But did it?
Or was it because a version of you detached from the past once the ‘data processing,’ occurred.
Moved on.
And created a new memory.
A new perspective that a version of you went through that no longer has the same past now?!
AHHHH! Parallel reality theories anyone?
But I digress.
I challenge you to entertain this thought if you may.
What if you were just frames, caught in a moment in time. Picture frames. Family photos. Friends laughing. Dogs playing. Throwing snow at one another.
And the only reason that image, or memory exist today is because you thought a thought, that sent an electrical impulse which linked the current you, a different you, to your past you to RE-CALL a memory?
Now all I’m saying is if you can change your thoughts? And your thoughts, through meditations and exercises, reframe and rewire the way you move, think and feel about the world! Why can’t you change your memories as well, completely?
And isn’t that AH-Mazing when we do!
Music has the same effect. It can strike a chord in your heart centre, hence elastic hearts or heart strings, but I digress.
And even sounds without words, or colours, a person’s voice, a smile instantly transforms your outlook on life!
Just like an old poloroid frame?
And you get what you focus on, so why not focus on smily faces and cotton candy to get into the flow state? Meaning, the way your infinity sees things.
I’m not saying ignore the shit. I’m saying don’t bathe in it like some men do with cologne. Sorry, not sorry!
Just picture if you may, the neuroligcal pathways naturally disconnecting and reconnect, reforming, rebuilding new patterns, new thoughts and new belief patterns.
Hence, the art of letting go.
Being in flow state.
Allowing what comes, what may and acting from that new, higher point of attraction.
Anyway, those are my random musing for today.
I do these exercises to help me get back into writing mode.
These are fun for me :) This is my morning journal entry of the day.
It’s okay to not have answers to every question out there Pam.
What a bore that would be?
To ask a question to a super computer and an answer prints out like an old paper receipt.
This GIF has nothing to do with what I wrote above, well maybe a bit with the anti-memory and creating new ones.
But in all honestly, I thought it was cute and it makes me happy just looking at it so here you go!
I hope it makes you happy too!
Sometimes life is as much an exploration of self with the best of them, then it is reading a book or finding answers in articles or riddles.
Your friend,
Pam Q