Just Follow Your Nose

Pamela Singh
7 min readAug 15, 2018

Fruit Loops!!!!

Who doesn’t like cereal, really?

When I was a kid, I used to love eating Froot Loops. Look how pretty it looks!

It’s the colourful cereal you see in this header image! If you’re from out of town, it’s a very…sugar filled snack, I would say.

Anyway in the commercials, the Toucan would say, “Just Follow Your Nose!”

And that made me think…


How many of us really follow our nose?

How many of us really follow the white rabbit?

How many of us, really! Follow our own excitement?

What draws you, what calls to you? What are the things you are passionate about? What drives you to get out of bed in the mornings?

Most of the times, we question it. Or doubt our highest excitement away.

“That could never happen to me,” OR

“How could I make a living or support myself off that,” OR

We get bogged down by all the details and the how to’s such as…

“Well, how do I get from ‘X’ to ‘Y,’ OR

“I need, yada, yada, yada,” in order to ‘do something before doing it,’ (how absurd! really!) → when all the yada’s, lead to nada!

It is my firm belief, that our ‘logical mind’ tries to put all the pieces together, before we even get all the pieces in place!

It’s like taking the first step in the direction you want to go in and then you stop walking because you overanalyzed your @ss off, by will my runners take me that far, will I have enough cash, what if I get lost! SERIOUSLY?!

How outdated is that!?

It doesn’t even work well yet we rely on it so heavily, to have the mind ‘pre-calculate’ everything, measure everything, manage all the ‘risks’ involved prior to even going. To even walking. Without letting experience be the greatest teacher!

It’s basically pre-calculating the data, before you even have any data! How the hell do you work with no data and no information? You need someplace to start!

Sometimes we are so heavy in having all the details ahead of time. This tends to lead to anxiety, future thinking outcomes that don’t even exist, overthinking, or overanalyzing.

Instead of allowing the FLOW STATE of the PROCESS of Experience to take over!

So you can’t make an informed decision until sometimes, you go through it.

Hence, “Just follow your nose.”

The one foot step, over the next. Over the other, and another. Until you realize you are starting to go out on a path. A path YOU created!

But how do you guide yourself through this path? How do you know whether to turn to left or right or go gayly forward? (I suggest go gayly forward, but I digress.)

Well, let me offer you 3 simple options that worked for me (and many others:)

Option A — Always follow your highest excitement. And sometimes, it’s not always a hooray and jump out of your seat moment. Sometimes, it’s a whisper. It may be a: instead of ordering coffee today, which makes my stomach feel shitty at times, I’ll order tea this time. And now you have started, the compound effect! Little changes, day by day, and implementing them will lead to more things you love doing.

Because by logic alone, if you keep doing things you don’t love doing…why, I guess, you’ll keep doing things you don’t love doing! And now, you’re just compounding more shit in your life like a dung beetle!

Hooray! (not really…)

Just remember, one slight tip or touch of an arrow by just one degree, your target is now on target → EXCITEMENT! And that’s all it takes!

Option B — If you don’t know what to do, or where to go, it doesn’t really matter, does it? I know, I know! What a crappy thing to say, but hey, hear me out. It makes sense, it may mean you require more information so just go. Like Go! Move! Take Action and collect more information until you are ready and feel more confidence.

Option C — There is no option C, just refer to A and B. I know, terrible right? How I lead you to believe in another option. But I thought it was too funny, so here we are…now where was I…. Oh right! Excitement!

So who at the end of the day, is tugging at your heart strings, guiding you to which path to take, or what decisions to make?

Are you ready for it?

It’s YOU!

I like to think of it as, your infinity. The part of you that never dies, that which cannot be created nor destroyed but just is. The part of you that sees itself, at 12,000 Quantum leap years ahead! The larger part of you. The broader perspective, the one ‘away’ from all the tiny little details as those details get filtered up and down, back and forth, in this equal exchange, making real time, decisions. Some, already ‘pre-paved’ so to speak, before you even ‘got here!’ But I digress.

Your infinity just placed ‘cheese’ for you to take…hence, ‘Just Follow Your Nose.’

So it might not make sense to you now, but it’s not supposed to. It might be one of those gut moments (how your infinity talks to you, via gut and heart pulses) and you might find yourself saying: “I would never really take this direction but something is calling me to it, tugging,” and/or “this doesn’t really make sense right now, but it feels good.” All I’m saying is, listen to those moments! And follow through on your highest excitement.

Sometimes, you might hit an ‘end of the road,’ (no such thing) and you’re like, f**k you infinity! (Middle fingers in the air!) Why did you lead me down this path?! Why did you put a challenge in my way!

And your infinity would say, but Pam, look at yourself and who you have become now, you’re not the same person anymore. Don’t you see, look at how much you have grown!

Sometimes, roads are pattern breakers, blockage destroyers. They help take you off a path you went too deeply in, so it had to provide some REAL ‘cheddar’ to get you going! Make it good enough for you, to be like, ‘pssst, this way…’

It’s to kickstart you in a direction that serves you well.

It’s always looking out for you, trust me!

No wait, TRUST YOU!

So, if you’re brave enough and don’t give a rip about the details or what other people think. Have confidence that the details will reveal themselves to you in time.

When you are ready, the people, places and opportunities will knock themselves out of the park, to find you!

Just be BRAVE enough to ‘follow your nose’ and go there.

Because after all, the ‘nose’ knows!

Follow those goosebumps moments, those scents that drive you, those staring into oblivion moments, those…I don’t know why it’s calling me moments but something is calling me towards it moments. Do your best, as best as you can, to pursue them to the best of your abilities. Be kind to yourself along the way. Some of this maybe new for you. Might seem scary at first.

Or as Nicky said, ‘why do we fear the things we want so much?” <–it’s strange right, we are scared of the things we want, because god forbid we f**k it up!

And when you have reached your highest peak as you followed your path, know…there was never really any mountain to begin with.

Because self exploration and having a f**king amazing time here on Earth… and beyond

is where it’s at!


Now go work your fine self!

And just OWN your unique expression and all that is you!

Because darling, no one does you more beautifully then you.

And no one ever will!

Now go follow you nose





Pamela Singh
Pamela Singh

Written by Pamela Singh

Inter-Dimensional Translator. Author. Poet. Futurist. pamsingh.com

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