New Earth — 2020 & Be-Yonder
Well, we hear it often in the spirituality community, the term — New Earth. But what exactly is it?
Is it a place or destination? Or a state of being, maybe both?
Does the state of being evoke the New Earth to Rise through the collective?
I think it’s fair to say, that 2020 in general has been an eye opening experience for everybody and many eye opening awakenings along the way.
This begs the question if you haven’t already asked —
- Why Am I Here?
- How I can make our planet, Earth, a better place?
- What’s my gift for the people of Earth — humanity?
These are some deep questions yet, they need to be asked. You are here to express yourself and your gift. Not observe it or conceptualize it. But to fully life it like your breath running in and our of your body right now as you read this.
Dolores Cannon, in her book The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth— which I haven’t read yet but have seen her interviews on the New Earth. She touches upon the fact that the Earth is splitting into two fields, I like to call it.
Vibrational fields of existence, based on probabilities and possibilities.
One Earth goes to experience tyranny and whatever the souls wishes to continue to explore there. And the other Earth is filled with light beings, who have a light body so to speak, and a new way of being that is beneficial for the inhabitants of Earth.
Do you see this image below:
These are two totally different Earths.
In fact, the image of the two Earths, which was emailed to her by a man sitting in her audience attending her conference, with an engineering background, said he saw what looked like this image below. He emailed this image to her, of how he saw the two Earth splitting. And he doesn’t usually ‘see’ these things but he was surprised by the image himself.
So, this lead me to beg to ask the following question.
What splits the Earth in two?
Answer: Consciousness.
What tilts the Earth on its axis?
Answer: Consciousness.
How do you create your reality?
Focus +perseverance = In-spired (In spirit) Action.
DC — I like to call Dolores that, she’s okay with that, we chat.
Also mentions the 3 waves of volunteers that are being birthed onto Earth to shift it to the New Earth. There are vibrational energies shifting Earth to New Earth.
Now, those said volunteers are in their late 30s, 40s and so forth: — Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth.
Oh but there’s another famous channeller as well who wrote about a New Earth Book — she goes by the name Barbara Marciniak. She channels the Star Nation Pleiadians. And her book — Earth which I am currently reading dives into the topic of the New Earth and honestly, it’s a whole new way of being. Light being.
Now, you have reached me. The visions of Star Nations danced in my head.
A planet in which Earth, many, many months ago sent out a signal to her planetary siblings as a cry for help. What was that cry, environmental disasters, greed, and as my friend Preston Dennet puts it, a leading UFOlogies on my Podcast HAPPY FREYA, we need to end our war like ways. And that LOVE is the Answer. That’s pretty benevolent if you ask me.
Before reading any of these books I had visions in the form of dreams of the New Earth.
Very vivid visions. The kind I wake up at 3am to write down in my journal.
These books came much later and served as — validations for my visions, if I ever needed it. And I’m thankful for the community to be there to support people and know that other intuitives were speaking similar texts and vision across the board. Again, former Data Analyst so forgive me nerding out here on data and finding patterns and simularities.
It kinda goes like this. There are many outcomes and possibilities, the best thing to do is focus on which outcome you want to achieve. And how to contribute to Earth’s growth, as yours. She is your home planet by the way, regardless if you volunteered or not you are currently reading this while floating on a blue and green globe called Earth.
So here are my visions:
1 — The first vision I received, I saw dirt falling through a grid. A man panning for gold and all the debris fell through. That which doesn’t belong, falls. The pebbles. And the gold flakes and nuggets stay up top.
In essence. That which doesn’t belong, leaves. That which does, stays.
One of my friends whom I did a session for and shared this with, said, it’s like how diamonds are made. Those who withstand the pressure, will turn into diamonds.
2 — Death. Yes, the death experience. Those souls who no longer want to be stay here, will. Check out. And you don’t need a body, many have said as with DC we are attached to the concept of bodies in 3D living. You do realize that there are inter-dimensional beings that phase in and out of existence right? Through other realities and planes of existence right? That take a shape and or form right? Just saying. Consciousness comes in many space suits and it’s a new thing for humans to grasp.
Now the death experience is your choice. Not mine. Or your best friends. We are all sentient beings (minus droids, robots or automatons.) But your check-in and check-out dates are pretty much set by you.
With that being said, we all get that question of, well what happens to the people who don’t go to this New Earth plane? What happens to them?
Well, hmmm….I can best answer this question this way.
It’s not that those who ‘don’t transition’ to the New Earth won’t ‘make it.’ I make these emphasis on these key phrases because they are gross mis-statements. It’s that when you chose a path, say in a forest to walk, it’s not that others ‘went away.’ They are walking their own path and their own trail. That’s all. People chose different paths and realities all day, everyday. It’s that today, we are more aware of it now more than ever!
So, as I shared with a dear friend of mine. You can either A — push against. That which you resist, persist. That where every flows, grows.
And knowing that, you can take your one organic carrot to a food market and when people see that one carrot, they will be drawn it and now they will start to ask questions. As to where the carrots they have been buying all along came from. And then, those that wish too, will start buying your carrots and educate themselves on carrots and carrots growth and health. And the new paradigm or web of existence, the gridlines, will start to build.
No one asks where the other went. It’s obsolete now!
3 — That which doesn’t belong will shut down, or cease to exist. That which works, will gravitate to the largest migration to the New Earth.
They, and by they I mean my guides, show me this by sharing — You cannot stick a round peg into a square hole. It doesn’t work. So these will be the crumbling of old systems. Telecom, oil, gas, this is what I see — the way we did business aggressively and cold heartedly. Giving rise to, forgive me, sociopathic CEO’s is out.
Without heart or compassion.
These qualities of competitiveness and monopolies will crash and burn because those who carry these qualities of paranoia, mistrust, fear based models will either turn on one another due to the qualities the leadership they decided to harbour and this will play out on their version of an old, crusty Earth.
Now, those way of being based on co-operation, helping one another and assistance, will flourish. Because if you build a system where everyone benefits, and wins. It will make the old system obsolute.
So, it’s not so much as to how the old system goes away, the new one will make it obsolute. Because it’s innately better for humanity and Earth as a whole to thrive. And that’s all I pretty much have to say on old crumbling systems phasing out. Onward.
4 — Spirit, Technology and Nature. Science and Spirituality. Arts and Architect. Design and Engineering. There will be a fusion among industries. People need to and will have to talk to one another of opposing or different views. It’s one of the ways in which this New Earth will work.
Separation is an agenda. Unity is a way of life.
Watch who or which agenda’s is spinning on Earth’s orbit and follow through with your personal desire and aspirations to build a better Earth. It’s how you stay steady through the storm.
5 — There will be more communal living. People of like minded interest and values will gather together and live together as one. This may first start off in remote areas and then turn into larger areas.
What seems as separation at first, is the baseline for a new way of life or being. Those ‘in charge’ may not like this, but it’s inevitable. The vibration and frequency of the planet is changing. Times are changing. Adapt or perish. A new vibration is taking a hold of Earth, to uplift it to another realm. We are the ones who embody this New Earth.
6— We are going to live longer lives.
And our work or life’s purpose will be one of Unity of Earth and yes, the inter-galactic stars. Again, I think a great divide will occur at first and this will wither down to a unity mindset.
Some may say this is Utopian.
I’m unsure what that means, I haven’t studied it quite yet. But I say unity. And I don’t know why living in harmony with Earth, tech and nature and being open to various views and opinions, is seen as something airy and fairy.
It is achievable and attainable.
7— The New Earth will involve space. Space exploration and the formal introduction of our Star Neighbours is inevitable for Earth’s growth. In fact, I call it the catalyst.
Remember, the crumbling system — phase 1–4 above which has already occurred. My time lines projections are okay, but these may be 10–20 year projects or cycles I like to call them. Vibrational waves so to speak.
Especially at the 2045/2040 mark we may be unrecognizable as a Earthling civilization.
And I mean that for the better as in: free energy.
There maybe a crazy period.
And by crazy I mean the integration of parallel realities as a mindset.
Time is fictitious.
The viewing of other planes of existence that will collapse into ours. Meaning, seeing loved ones who passed away, parallel universes in our night skies, and maybe even some Giants along the way! That type of thing, actually seeing inter-dimensional beings and not listening to astrophysicist like Carl Sagan say it.
You may think you are living in a fairytale landn and guess what, you are.
Also, I didn’t touch on this much but there’s a bit of madness in all this if you’re not spiritually grounded.
And what do I mean by spiritually grounded?
I mean dealing with your inner demons and shadow work. Transcending darkness into light. Forgiveness and letting go. Healing work. Developing a grounding or Earthing practice is vital in New Earth. In fact, it’s a prerequisite!
Whatever it is for you to stay grounded, learn the art of forgiveness or what I like to call →letting go. Do it. Please. You can’t take that density with you to the new Earth.
Ask for help or assistance through healers and inter-dimensional translators.
Moving on.
8 — The rise of robotics and engineering.
Human ingenuity cannot sit still. We are creators. We are born to create. And so we will push the envelope of AI, discoveries and it is my personal hopes — a certain kind of Spirit Tech will be evolved.
That infusion of light — meaning, values, ethics and alignment with attributes that we value and embody. Some may call this morals, I don’t mean a restriction on choice or group morals.
I mean how you decide to live your life in a harmonious manner that is one with the laws of nature. Remember, we are nature, we just threw ourself off balance and Earth is showing us that.
And by nature or natural order I mean our RESONANCE or DISSONANCE with something. Our own INTERNAL GUIDANCE SYSTEM used to help us navigate through life and it’s basically built within our bodies, our chakras and our gut.
We will remember who we are and why we came here. And to push the threshold of consciousness to new endeavours. We haven’t even scratched the surface here.
We will also discovers new frontiers of consciousness.
9 — Is there a 9? I wrote too much here. Hang on…Oh yes. I do believe the New Earth will feel lighter. We will rise to a higher density — 4th/5th. The lower the density, the heavier it feels.
The Higher the density, the more light it will become.
We will no longer claim ignorance of our Galactic family that lives among the stars, as we too, are members of this family and live among the stars as well. Remember we revolve the Sun and that spirals another. So…Earth ain’t the center view point. Expand your range.
10 — Follow your bliss. Joseph Cambell. Stay steady and watch the magic unfold. What may seem as chaos at the forefront, maybe organized chaos in the end. Do your daily breathing exercises and stay the course.
11 — The new currency is….thought I would leave that out now, did you? :P The new currency is…..Seed Currency.
What do I mean by that? I mean seeds.
Like our native plants and species on Earth. They are physical. Other star systems appreciate them because it’s a rarity for some. And we need food in order to survive. More on that later. As I do believe we are heading towards more of a liquid diet. Juice drinks, etc.
And the second currency is — seeds of thought.
Meaning, whatever it is, we the people of Earth create as inventions, will be traded among the stars, as human ingenuity.
And this is how we grow, and how our Milky way and galaxies grow.
The nations that encourages human growth and development via creative ideas in all disciplines: architecture, mathematics, engineering, science, spirituality, food growth, and so on. Will be the most thriving. And other nations will follow pursuit or beg to listen, because happiness and results, grow.
We will be part of a larger Star Alliance — for the betterment of our galaxies and beyond. And explore our minds through space.
New roles will be created.
New careers.
New rotations of positions on different star systems to build a Galactic family here on Earth.
We will come to know the stars as our own, within each heart by which they beat.
The New Earth involves the integration with our space friends. We cannot escape this, it will be the catalyst for change.
Not only is it mentioned in the books mentioned above, repeadly.
It’s within our hearts to meet our star neighbours.
And … so shall it be written, so it is done.
There is still so much more to say on this topic and even each topic listed here. More to say.
It is my hopes to write in an upcoming book on this as I couldn’t possibly fit it all in one basket.
Stay tuned friends!
Pamela N. Singh
“If you can make it on Earth, you can make it anywhere.” — Pam Singh
Credit: Image of Earth splitting image. I’m thinking DC or the guy who inspired it anonymously :) If you know, let me know so I can credit it here.