The Galactic Federation — Beings of Light

Pamela Singh
6 min readDec 12, 2020

Well what can I say. What a year it has been.

And perhaps the best is yet to come?

We are coming to the end of a new year and what do I see?

Galactic Federation and Aliens trending like crazy on social media. Not that trends have anything to do with cosmic truths, many are false or implanted there by government agencies with fake account and corrupt tech companies. Perhaps even drone CEO’s. But I digress.

Here we have not only Paul Hellyer, Former Minister of Defence of Canada who reveals UFO’s are real, so are extra-terrestrials and so is the Galactic Federation (in another interview.)

But now we have Ex-Israeli Space Chief Haim Eshed saying the same. That the Galactic Federation exist but humanity is not ready yet.

And then the official release from the Pentagon of well, this!

“Off-World Vehicles NOT made on THIS Earth.”

Then who the beep made them, Clowns on Planet XB-14!?!

And well, even prior to this! We have many channellers and spiritual teachers alike who have made contact with such beings via telepathic communication who stay the hell out of this sh*t because they trust their inner voice.

Darryl Anka — The Greys. Barbara Marciniak — The Pledians. And well myself, Pam Singh — Writer of Epic Space Opera and Inter-Dimensional Translator.

So, let’s get into it shall we?

Who are the Galactic Federation — beings of light?

Begin Session.

The Galactic Federation are composed of many members from various Star Systems. They are sentient beings. Although with individuals who are comprised of this inter-galactic committee have an oversight model among inter-planetary affairs. The overall care put into governance is of strict protocol.

Many of the beings have evolved into a more spiritual basis or practice. This comes from their understanding of the universe or multi-verse as we call it. We come from your future, past and present.

Those who are alarmed of ‘human experimentation’ know nothing of context and are in pure speculation. It’s fear running the Agenda.

Just as there is a divide among your own planet, so are the stars in some ways divided in how to govern, each with it’s own agenda. As they have on Earth, thinking that their way is the best way to lead a country.

This is a sensitive topic to cover so we will break down in smaller parcels.

A — Many on Earth are starting to re-learn their true history and origins. Many of the stories that have been told, both biblical and otherwise are from out of worldly influences. From Ra to other cosmic Masters. Many ‘gods’ were tasked in the care and upbringing of the children of Earth.

If you check out Dolores Cannon book on The Custodians, when she went into QHHT techniques and people who had the veil lifted would say this account. That there were certain custodians in charge of the evolutionary process of humanity and I would say, can and would be, the great unveiling if we are ready to do so.

B — Many of those stories have been manipulated and twisted from those on Earth to either influence control and/or create regimes over other sentient beings on Earth. This was not the initial plan for Earth.

C — Many of your DNA is brought into existence by a conglomerate of many Star Beings and Creation itself. Hence, hybrid civilization. You may see such murals and drawing of such drawings depicting this in ancient stones and temples. You would not be created if oneness consciousness didn’t place itself into place for you to be. Each is gift.

D — We, the GF, were created and tasked with the oversight of the evolution of this planet with minimal influence at first. However, some star agencies, have made contact with your government officials in order for trades of information and mostly for growth.

Many gifts were given to Earth Officials that were beneficial for Earth’s upbringing but these technological devices were kept away from civilians and turned into war machines.

This is well, very troubling.

As we have set these turbo like devices to set off — for those on Earth to see ‘as no apparent reason for working,’ we have been tasked as Guardians of Galaxy type missions. Until Earth is ready.

Pam — Honestly, if you look at the current state of the planet now, why would anyone want to make contact in such a hostile, unforgiving environment with war like ways. End Note.


That which you do on Earth, effects all the cosmos. There are benevolent beings. And there are others, the shadow fleet, who do interfere with alterior political agendas on the invitation of your, mostly government officials. Most beings are benevolent and are assisting within the gridlines of Earth to upraise and uplift humanity and the cosmos as a whole.

E — Trust your voice. Your inner voice. You never needed an outside authority to tell you what is true or not. You have a natural GPS system within you to navigate through these shifting time circles.

F — There are those who are underneath — the Under Earth. The Guardians or Keepers of Earth who have seen how destructive the outer layer, or land living beings have been towards it’s own people and other countries. It is no wonder contact is limited in these terms.

Core value of compassion, understanding, and loving kindness on a daily basis is needed for the growth of humanity and the cosmos as a whole.

I — Ascension is not a destination. It is a state of being. A growth. Of concentric circles expanding outwards. When you open your supernatural abilities and senses — you will see us. To others they may see a blank wall. It is a choice.

K — To be Guardians and Keepers of the Galaxy is no easy task indeed. But all are capable and willing to take on this role to assist Earth in her new role among the cosmos. It’s not all cotton candy out there as you can see. Dealing with challenging situations, on an inter-planetary level has it’s tasks at hand.

So we suggest those on Earth to stay steady, build your spiritual backbone in whatever shape or form that may be. And ask for assistance/help and it will be given. Many spiritual laws that were gifted to Earth — Ask and it is Given — are from Higher Guides or Interdimensional beings.

Look that up, as the channeller says.

Speaking of..

Pam: Personally I have found these Higher guides with a great sense of humour. You can reach or speak them via telempathy. Many do. I find when I connect with HRB — Higher Realm Beings, many a times it’s in my dream state.

I find in my waking state, my vocabulary changes after such contact. And so does my sense of humour.

It’s needed when you speak to sentient beings who have a larger — global view, on things and Earth is only given crumpets of truth to pick off the floor from those in an illusion of authority.

I find the Galactic Federation governs many aspects of star systems and has it’s own regulatory process in place composed of many other star systems who are a part of the Alliance. Here I will say, The Inter-Stellar Alliance. They are the ones looking out for Earth and other systems as well. This is how best I describe these level in my own terms.

As we search for Earth’s history. Our own origins as it starts to unravel of our ancient past. We can also begin to set up a new future for new beginnings. That will carve humanity and Earth forward to her rightful place among the stars.

Be well,

Love always,


PS — I highly recommend doing your readings on these backstory materials. Our ancient histories and civilizations. Also to get out of the isolation of one incident or event, and placing it in the totality of a whole, rather a-part. This provides more of a global perspective and intentions there are/were involved.

Iwill have a book coming out on How to Talk to Inter-Dimensional Beings. And guess what…You’re one of them? Yup, you’re in a dimension as well so don’t be afraid of jargon people are throwing out there to scare you in making contact. Stand steady and tall among giants, for you are one.



Pamela Singh
Pamela Singh

Written by Pamela Singh

Inter-Dimensional Translator. Author. Poet. Futurist.

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