The Power of the Superhero Pose
I want to talk about a topic that is very near and dear to my heart.
The Superhero Pose.
What exactly is the superhero pose?
Well, it is literally standing in vibrational alignment. It is the physical body channeling in and tapping into the living, breathing, stream of consciousness.
Athletes use this pose. Business people use this pose (well the ones that are aware of themselves), coaches use this pose like Tony Robbins, and media even TV shows talk about this pose.
I heard it best said on Grey’s Anatomy when one of the characters said to the other staff member before surgery, she just stands there like a superhero, chest out, arms on her hip, chin up, and legs at shoulder length apart. And then, just take a deep breath and take it all in. She stands there for few minutes right before she performs her surgery. Whether it is outdoors or indoors she does this in a place where she is uninterrupted. As a doctor, she takes this to heart because she literally saves lives.
Well guess what, so do you?!
A coach. A friend. An athlete brings hope and courage. They inspire people. They inspire lives.
Everyday you can choose happiness or despair; love or lack; friendship or emptiness. You get to choose! And what you choose you manifest. And what you manifest you create. You are a creator. You can create by default and sloppy thinking or you can choose to create deliberately.
All matter is subject to your attention. You get to form it and attract relationships in your life. You get to choose how you want to react to something. You get to choose your circumstances and environment. You truly are a superhero!
You have superhero powers and superhero strength.
With clients, I can tell when they are ‘off.’ They may ‘say’ something but their body is telling me another story. The body calls the bluff or shows it. So they may sit there and start telling a story and then their eyes move in another direction, or their leg starts shaking, or they itch. There are many signals, you just have to pay attention.
We can tell when someone is off just by their voice. The vibrations of their voice says it all. It is ‘behind’ the words, it speaks through it. We can even tell by a phone call with no images. At times, I have found myself calling it before I even enter an office. Some days I don’t. And when I don’t I am told that the clients office ‘blew up.’ I called it before I even entered. That’s how good you can get when you listen to these whispers.
The thing is, when a client says they are confident or are ready for this decision yet their head is bowed down, or they are sitting slouched, or shoulder to their ears, or voice is monotone or cracked, you just know. There is a big difference between the superhero you and the ‘other’ you. Both are you at the end of the day but you get to choose which You, You want to be! You get to channel what ‘self’ of you that you want present. That is one of your gifts. You get to channel and embody whatever superhero and personality you want to be expressed. And that is pretty powerful stuff.
Before every event, Tony Robbins primes himself for 3 minutes with incantations. He “pumps himself up.” He literally jumps on a trampoline for a few minutes to get the juices flowing, he ignites his lymph nodes and kick starts himself. He becomes his own superhero.
New Zealand’s Rugby team, a world class rugby team, they do a Haka dance, known as a dance of war, prior to every game. If you haven’t watched it, DO! They are amazing. The conviction and performance they embody is invincible. They send a vibrational roar to their opponent.
Cristiano Ronaldo, in my opinion, the greatest soccer player of our times, charges himself prior to a game by assuming the superhero pose. In fact you see him jump into it after every goal he scores. You can see the victory, the pride and the conviction he has. He literally ignites the entire stadium and the millions of people watching him on TV.
Nicky — My little nephew is 8 and just started playing soccer 2 years ago. He aspires to be better and better and better. I asked him to pretend he is his favorite superhero and to assume his pose after every goal he scores. Well, not only is he the top scorer in his league, his own teammates have started to pose like superheroes every time they score. How cool is that?
You see, ONE in alignment is more powerful and influential than millions who are not.
So, should you decide before an important meeting, before an important phone call, before an important game, to stand in your superhero power and strength, watch what happens and occurs. Not only does your body release endorphins and your mind goes into superhero mode with positive thoughts and a sense of, ‘I got this,’ but you will convey and relay that confidence in your posture, in your voice, in your meetings, in your business, in your game.
Watch what magic happens when you tap into that life force.
With unwavering love,