Scene from Casino Royale

What Spiritual Awaking Really looks like

Pamela Singh
7 min readMar 28, 2019


Let’s all take a second here and just give homage to that which we call our infinity shall we.

Testify! *Slaps your forehead. Should have had a V8

And let’s explore the Yin and Yang energies. Our Duality. Our Polarities.

The light and shadow work you do when you signed up to be here on Earth during this Age of Transformation which is truly extraordinary. Hence, ‘extra’ on top of the ‘ordinary.’

And I won’t even get into The New Age of Multiplicity where we break duality and become more aware of our multidimensional selves ;) Cuz then you’re really going to lose your shit!

But I digress.

Now let’s face it.

Sometimes people in the ‘Spiritual’ community shy away from this type of shadow work or completely ignore it.

And all I have to say to that is — I ain’t got time for that shit.

And I don’t mean — stay in that heavy layer of darkness either for the rest of your life.

We all have the capability to transcend that shit.

It’s that some people don’t make peace with that contrast or bold colours being splashed on their blank canvas when that’s some of your best and brightest work right there!

As one of my characters said in my book — Immaru — Rebirth:

Why In the darkest of hours, it gives us the greatest opportunity to do some of our best work — Professor Morris, Dean of the Imagination Department (at your service.)

Sometimes, your spiritual awakening are your guides or what I like to call — your Inter-Dimensional Being (IDB’s) friends leaning beside you…smiling or jovially laughing with you saying — you okay? — and you might not like that cuz they’re all happy and shit and you ain’t right now (all pain is fleeting really) but you get over it.

Because … well let’s face it.

Spirit has the bigger picture and many of these guides that come from HR — Higher Realms – have a ‘birds eye view’ of things so you may just be in the middle of things thinking you’re lost when in reality — You’re in Transit.

These IDB’s see the ‘end goal’ or vision in mind and they are like wow, how cool is that she’s unfolding to the next level! Look at her growth! Look at her character! Look at her stamina! Look at her boldness! Her courage!

You’re like the IT lit character in your own opera/play.

Some people come in your life as supporting characters. Some switch roles but there you are! The constant in every equation.

And isn’t it boring to have a character instantaneously get everything s/he wants in all lifetimes in one nanosecond?

That would be like a one act play and I would ask for my money back.

But a character with growth!

We are all rooting for you.

Even those who you have met in other dimensions. Those IDB’s I mentioned earlier. Yah those beings!

Well picture yourself fractioned and that you hid parts of your-self, your eternity in every ‘corner’ of the cosmos that made friends with other beings.

And sometimes those beings that you made friends with travel far and wide distances (only seconds to them) to come check in on their friend and see how well you’re doing.

And isn’t that fucking cool! That you’re never really alone in this.

Some send sparkles. Some send synchroncities or clues.

And let’s not forget the Soul Agreements you made with people prior to waking up here. The scene I like to call the Air-Portal where you get your soul assignment with other souls and send off in your destination. The ones where you say, during this pivotal period of my life when I turn 20, 35, whatever you’re going to show up and give me a soul wink. Those people.

It’s like your soul set out a script of themes for you to play in and your eternity knows what they want to explore.

So your soul sets this avatar around, your body — an intelligent sensory, data collection machine that can translate experiences such as ecstacy all the way to tragedy and simulate into a 4D environment by moving through this space x time continuum we call Earth — 4D — (3 of space and 1 of time) to move through it. Well that was a mouthful.

You get to decide how long you want to stay in a theme but let me tell you. It’s painful when you decide to stay in it longer than you need too.

That’s the anxiety. That’s the depression. That’s the stagnation of staying in the same place.

So let’s face it.

Shadow work IS some hard shit.

It can feel like this at times…

But guess what?

You make it through.

You always do.

And when you’re in it with someone — be it a friend, lover, or family member — it builds intimacy when you go through things together and make it out alive. Or don’t, up to you.

So how cool is it that like moon phases — she pulls on your shadow work to be extracted from your mind and body to level up?

How cool is that you get to move through the many versions of the construct of ‘self’ and expand into more of who you really are?

As I say to people, like a Sufi dancer — let that shit go like a beautiful whirling dancer.

And then — Wow, just wow!

Look at how beautiful you are!

Like the people that come in your life and trigger your shit.

You are reminded who put that shit there in the first place.

You did.

But why? Why Pam would I do that to my-self as you EXPAND. And EVOL.E (Love in evolution.)

For your growth and the expansion of the cosmos that lives and breathes through you.

That infinity — an infinite being expressing itself in a ‘finite’ way wanted to experience itself uniquely through your experience! Your existence.

Infinity wanted to feel your feelings. Think your thoughts. Live your memories. Change your memories — well that’s a new concept!

Look through your unique lens.

Experience life through your senses.

But Pam! Why put myself through some of the shit I had to go through?

I don’t know why — you tell me!

Maybe because…

Let’s just say you’re a magician who knows how to transmute darkness into light. That’s why!

Maybe because you’re a Master Soul who has been through this thing we call life, many lifetimes and is like, oh yah. I got this and now you teach other souls how to move through and transcend it in their way.

Maybe you’re a painter.

A poet.

An immortal God living an illusion of a mortal life who knows of the interplay between de- construction and construction — creation.

That’s why.

Because you discovered new healing modalities for you and this planet that hasn’t been discovered yet.

That’s why.

Because you developed new everlasting friendships/relationships with loved ones that lock and key your shit away as you express this life thing together.

That’s why.

How cool is it that we have these healers or masterful co-creators that help us move through and support us in life.

So as in my recent conversation with Laura Matsue which covers many topics on our podcast #IOTC — found here: — bring awareness to your shit, sit through your shit, body scan your shit, move through it, change your construct, and know that there is help. This is one modality that works very well for people.

Know that there are healers, facilitators, mentors, coaches awaiting to help you move through this all along the way.

And personal shout out to the healers and teachers who are going through shit as well during these transformational times but still reach out a supporting hand to clients to pull them through. Fucking gods and goddesses you are! Love each and every-one of you!

And isn’t that fucking amazing?

People who want to support you out if not for the only reason than to see you grow and succeed.

Because they know that the world needs more happy people, people who are ignited, aligned or sparks that come alive!

And that really is the tip of a pen leaving an ink imprint on paper. A focal point of existence through your magnificient focus.

I think that’s pretty magical.

We do really live in The Age of Transformation as Earth moves through her own shadows as well emerging from the grounds.

We break through and crack old versions of self that no longer serve us and as I have been experiencing with my-self lately:

I don’t feel like reacting this way anymore I have said.

It feels outdated for me.

So lets try something new shall we.

And a newer version of me unfolds that now responds differently to a stimuli or the environment.

And remember we never really get IT done anyway whatever IT is so you might as well expand, evolve, and have fun along the way.

Smile more. Laugh and Play.

Because let’s face it.

Anxiety. Depression (or what I like to call a state of compression or collapse into an older-self) and Fear are all e-motions (energy in motion) advising you…You’re heading down a path that no longer serves you.

Because let’s face it.

Your cosmic self has a different opinion on that ‘matter’ or ‘form’ and has expanded into a new ‘form’ or ‘matter’ that has moulded into this divine new being or version of your-self…and any ‘classified negative’ — e-motion is telling you:

You got a gap from where you are now to where you’re going so bridge that gap and be that new you unapologetically. Knowing that too, is ever evolving, ever expanding just like a star.

You never know what joys await you for it is always the tug of life and excitment that lead you along one of your greatest journey — building that life long relationship of loving YOU.

All of you!

And from there, you pour that infinite love and infinite intelligence into other people’s cup of life and spread that goodness and happiness like confetti.

In-joy all colours and e-motions of life!

Each one serves and benefits you for your evolution.

With love and cosmic friendship,

Pam I Am

Up, up and away!



Pamela Singh
Pamela Singh

Written by Pamela Singh

Inter-Dimensional Translator. Author. Poet. Futurist.

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